Mobility WorldWide
Years ago, a retired missionary to Africa living at Penney Retirement Community had a vision. He wanted to help the many people he had worked with overseas who had lost feet or legs due to birth defects, land mines, disease or war. Typical wheel chairs are quite unsuited for the rugged terrain where these folks lived. So this “retiree” designed a three-wheeled, hand-powered vehicle and named it PET (Personal Energy Transportation). This was the beginning of what is now Mobility Worldwide.
Mobility Worldwide facilities have sprung up all over the U.S. sending PETs to countries around the world. The facility at Penney, though not under the official umbrella of Penney Retirement Community, Inc. or the Association of Residents, functions on campus as a volunteer-run program building and distributing PETs to men, women and children around the world.
At “Mobility Worldwide Penney Farms”, volunteers construct about 20 of the PET units weekly at a cost of approximately $300 each. That's hundreds of dollars less than a wheelchair or prosthetic limb would cost. Penney volunteers also raise the funds to cover the cost of materials.
The stated goal of Mobility Worldwide is to provide a sense of purpose and dignity to mobility-challenged people living in developing countries. Their mission is to reflect the love of God through the provision of these carts.
We encourage you to learn more by visiting the Mobility Worldwide website.