Board of Directors
Penney Retirement Community is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that is governed by a volunteer board of directors. Many of our board members also are residents of Penney Retirement Community. Penney Retirement Community is the only Continuing Care Retirement Community in Florida that includes residents on its board of directors.
Bert Van Royal, Chair
Vernon K. Smith, First Vice Chair
Alison Hickman, Second Vice Chair
Darin C. Roark, Treasurer
Evelyn "Dolly" Hillman*, Secretary
Teresa Scott, President/CEO
Stanley Bishop
William Courtney, Jr.
James Knight*
Jennifer Morton, MSN
Susan Ponder-Stansel
Dr. William L. Proctor **
David J. Quirk*
J.B. Renninger
Ron Coleman
Cynthia Russell*
Martha Gale†
Jimmy Lovelace
George D. West*
Helen Stephens*
Chad Patrick
* Resident of Penney Retirement Community
† Church Representative
** Emeritus