How do you imagine your retirement years?
So, you’ve had a rewarding career, maybe raised a family.
You’ve had a full life but now you're wondering if it’s time to think seriously about retiring.
What would that retirement look like?
What would you do? What do you want to do?
What is life - even retirement life - all about anyway?
At Penney Retirement Community we believe that retirement is just the beginning of a time that can be filled with purpose and joy, surrounded by caring friends in a genuine community.
Choosing a home for your retirement is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Finding a place where you will be comfortable, safe and happy requires careful consideration and research.
Take a look at Penney Retirement Community. It’s truly one of a kind – active, caring and affordable.
Group of retirees from Clay County is giving the gift of mobility to the world
A group of retirees from Penney Farms volunteers their time to build carts for people who can't walk.
Volunteers build carts to help with people who can't walk | Morning in America
See what the community has been up to in photos
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for news, events, and other exciting information